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Recently, I've been playing a lot of the game Cyberpunk 2077, so potential spoilers ahead. In the game, there is this concept called an engram. It is essentially a someone's personality and memories uploaded into a digital format. In game, these engrams can be uploaded to a person's body and the body will behave exactly like them. This whole thing has got me thinking about if this were real.

Imagine someone gets an engram of themselves made. They die and the engram of themselves is uploaded to a body. Do they still exist? There is a exact clone and copy of this dead person that fully believes it is them. It would live and function exactly as the person would have in their life. With that being said, would we consider it to be them?

I haven't finished the game, so maybe this gets explored more. If it does, expect more to this post. Idk, I just find it interesting to think about. If anyone has thoughts about this, leave it in my guest book.

This semester I have been faced with a great many projects and assignments to do. Typically my classes consist of test and quizzes that, in my opinion, require much less time and effort, save for perhaps a calculus test. I think I need to figure out how to force myself to work harder whenever it comes to assignments and put it more hours per day.

Another downside to the mostly assignment classes is that they still are required to have a midterm test. In most test and quiz based classes, they force you to study and test your knowledge way in advance. Midterms have steadily snuck up on me and will be quite a beast to handle. I'll survive though.

I recently found out about this sick word 'misanthrope.' It even sounds cool. It is related to 'misandry' and 'misogyny' in of being about the hatred of something, coming from the 'mis/o' root. Unlike the other two, misanthropy is the general hatred of mankind. I think I will use it in my vocabulary now ❤.